Thursday 29 June 2017

Charlie Chaplin's 125th birthday

Charlie Chaplin's
125th birthday -
A Good Day to Recollect his 3 Heart Touching

(1) Nothing is Permanent
     in this World,
     not even our

(2) I like Walking in
     the Rain, because
     NoBody can see
     my Tears.

(3) The Most Wasted
      Day in Life is the
      Day in which we
      have not Laughed.

LIFE is to Enjoy with
Whatever you have with
You, Keep Smiling...!

If you feel STRESSED,
Give yourself A Break.

Enjoy Some..
Icecream/ Choclates/
Candy/ Cake...


backwards spelling is

Very Beautiful lines
Pls Store it.

is equal to ONE
Good Medicine...!
Likewise ONE Good
Group is equal to ONE
Full medical store...!!

Six Best Doctors
in the World....

5.Self Confidence

Maintain them in all
stages of Life and
enjoy healthy life...!

If you see the Moon...
You see the Beauty of
If you see the Sun...!
You see the power of
If you see the Mirror,
You see the Best
Creation of GOD...!

Believe in YOURSELF.
We all are Tourists & God is our Travel Agent
Who has already fixed
all our Routes, Reservations
& Destinations
Trust him & Enjoy the
"Trip" called LIFE...!!

Life will never
come Again.!!
Live Today..!

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Friday 15 January 2016

Sunday 4 August 2013

L'homme et la femme - Victor Hugo

MAN AND WOMAN (English translation)
Man is the most elevated of creatures,
Woman the most sublime of ideals.
God made for man a throne; for Woman an altar.
The throne exalts; the altar sanctifies.
Man is the brain; Woman, the heart.
The brain creates light; the heart, love.
Light engenders; love resurrects.
Because of reason Man is strong.
Because of tears Woman is invincible.
Reason is convincing; tears, moving.
Man is capable of all heroism.
Woman of all martyrdom.
Heroism ennobles; martyrdom sublimates.
Man has supremacy; Woman, preference.
Supremacy is strength.
Preference is the right.
Man is a genius; Woman, an angel.
Genius is immeasurable; the angel indefinable.
The aspiration of man is supreme glory.
The aspiration of woman is extreme virtue.
Glory creates all that is great; virtue, all that is divine.
Man is a code; Woman a gospel.
A code corrects; the gospel perfects.
Man thinks; Woman dreams.
To think is to have a worm in the brain.
To dream is to have a halo on the brow.
Man is an ocean, Woman a lake.
The ocean has the adorning pearl; the lake, dazzling poetry.
Man is the flying eagle; Woman, the singing nightingale.
To fly is to conquer space; to sing is to conquer the soul.
Man is a temple; Woman a shrine.
Before the temple we discover ourselves; before the shrine we kneel.
In short, man is found where earth finishes, woman where heaven begins.

L'HOMME ET LA FEMME (original French version)
L’homme est la plus élevée des créatures ;
La femme est le plus sublime des idéaux.
Dieu a fait pour l’homme un trône ; pour la femme un autel.
Le trône exalte ; l’autel sanctifie.
L’homme est le cerveau ; la femme le coeur.
Le cerveau fabrique la lumière ; le cœur produit l’Amour.
La lumière féconde ; l’Amour ressuscite.
L’homme est fort par la raison ;
La femme est invincible par les larmes.
La raison convainc ; les larmes émeuvent.
L’homme est capable de tous les héroïsmes ;
La femme de tous les martyres.
L’héroïsme ennoblit ; le martyre sublime.
L’homme a la suprématie ; la femme la préférence.
La suprématie signifie la force ;
La préférence représente le droit.
L’homme est un génie ; la femme un ange.
Le génie est incommensurable ; l’ange indéfinissable.
L’aspiration de l’homme, c’est la suprême gloire ;
L’aspiration de la femme, c’est l’extrême vertu.
La gloire fait tout ce qui est grand ; la vertu fait tout ce qui est divin.
L’homme est un Code ; la femme un Evangile.
Le Code corrige ; l’Evangile parfait.
L’homme pense ; la femme songe.
Penser, c’est avoir dans le crâne une larve ;
Songer, c’est avoir sur le front une auréole.
L’homme est un océan ; la femme est un lac.
L’Océan a la perle qui orne ; le lac, la poésie qui éclaire.
L’homme est un aigle qui vole ; la femme est le rossignol qui chante.
Voler, c’est dominer l’espace ; chanter, c’est conquérir l’Ame.
L’homme est un Temple ; la femme est le Sanctuaire.
Devant le Temple nous nous découvrons ; devant le Sanctuaire nous nous agenouillons.
Enfin pour finir : l’homme est placé où finit la terre ; la femme où commence le ciel.

Monday 18 March 2013

Saturday 19 January 2013

Diets, is it only about how we eat? - Mental Obesity

The past few months, I have been focussing more on losing weight than I normally do,
and thanks to some wonderful friends, I have been able to have a better understanding of it.

I have been learning a lot about calories, their daily limits, which leads to a better understanding of how much I can eat per portion, and things like that.  I am starting to think that the key to a good weight loss program, is the one that is customized to the individual and sustainable.

Going off a slightly different tangent, as I am prone to when I start thinking about things, I started to wonder, would it be better if we also had a 'diet' on the things we see and hear, for example, watching tv shows and movies can be considered as empty and bad calories, such as ice cream, potato crisps and so on, whereas reading a good novel would be healthy calories, like a bowl of fresh vegetables.

However, the key to any successful diet is that it should have a good balance, so instead of completely eliminating the bad calories, as long as we have it under control, it does not take over, and make us 'obese' , mentally or physcially

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Website to create GIFs online

Adding this to the things to do when you are bored :)